This Lil' Dog of Mine

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Delicious & Nutritious

We all love to spoil our pets with treats either for good behavior, training or just because, but do you know what’s in your pets treats or where they are made?

If you answered No, how does that make you feel?

Many of the most popular treats on the market contain non-nutritive fillers and harmful, downright scary ingredients that should be avoided.

All of our baked treats are crafted by a professional U.S. baker in a facility that also produces well known baked goods for people. Our baking process is carefully structured to retain maximum nutrition in each and every batch.

We as pet parents are responsible for what goes into our pets’ body. I’m here to introduce you to drool- worthy premium dog chews, strips and baked treats. You’re probably thinking “But I feed a high-quality dog food already!”

Honestly, poor quality treats can actually counteract the benefits from premium dog food. That’s why Life’s Abundance offers a whole range of healthy dog treats that nourish and make dogs happy and keep them healthy. We have developed a delectable variety of nutrient-packed treats to help put an end to doggie and kitty junk food. You as a pet parent will be pleased to pass out these treats.

Every treat arrives ready to serve, so no more complicated recipes for homemade dog treats here. If you are searching for the best dog treats for a new puppy with dietary restrictions, we even offer low-fat dog treats and grain-free dog treats, too! Our bully sticks and buffalo treats deliver the deliciousness and a safer alternative to rawhide bones and bones for dogs; plus, they have the added benefit of being dental chews for dogs and offer the all-natural nutritious chewing satisfaction that your dog craves. Our jerky treats are nourishing and work great as dog training treats.

The variety of baked dog treats are delightful and support dental health and immune health.